So I earned a free day off with pay, somebody from first shift was being really belligerent with people telling nasty dirty jokes.. they got really embarrassing when it was my turn so everybody turned and looked at me so I told the dude don't be a fucking douchebag or I'll go to HR cuz I don't play that game.. We had a shift meeting and decided to go to HR about it... My supervisor saw I was upset and told me just to go home and don't worry about punching out and come back Monday...
@duglop That's great. I've heard some tales about HR and documents being altered or "lost" etc.
@anita_rotheram @Ruthat yeah that won't be happening here in this case... HR is not happy about this at all considering that these two individuals disrupted a whole shift more than once
@Ruthat yeah after I told him it would be best to stop and walked away the dude kept going and said if I lose my job you lose your job. So That's when he really fucked up because I would not have gone to HR, but at that point it became retaliation and a threat so he left me with no choice but to go to HR...
@Ruthat typically HR is not your friend, unless there's multiple reports of a certain individual then they will act :)
@Ruthat Of course that goes without saying its already been documented like I said the whole shift has statements