My son received his purple belt tonight. I’m beaming. 😊

Ron boosted

Last week: took my son to the barber for his first haircut ever and registered him for kindergarten. He’s growing up! 😊/😕

A good book, a 2016 Russian River Pinot Noir, and a bag of stale Red Vines: this is my nirvana.

Ron boosted

Italians mocking florida

<Put these on. There's a group of American tourists arriving.>

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Update: Monday’s cystoscopy showed nothing new and that’s a good thing. Aaaand I start my new job tomorrow. 😊

I like to imagine my son growing up to be the next Jester 😊👍

I start my new job on the 23rd! Hooray! And I have my next cystoscopy on the 22nd! Not-so-hooray.

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56/ All professionals interested in learning , please email ([email protected]) or DM me — esp. judges, attorneys, directors, actors, C-level executives, sales professionals, teachers, parents, those in crisis management, and health care professionals.


@Alfred Could you please explain the relationship between the band Sparks and The Residents?

My partner and our son are spending the night at her parents house, so I’m out having cocktails and dinner alone. 😊

Sazerac #1 acquired!

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My 5-year old has graduated from Little Dragons to big kid Tae Kwon Do. He’s the coolest little person I know. 😊❤️

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“If we lie to the government, it's a felony. But if they lie to us, it's politics.”

Bill Murray

Y’know that dangly thing in the back of your throat? Well, I woke up to mine being about as swollen as a quail egg or bigger. Is that bad?

Declan woke me up by spinning his favorite Sesame Street bangers. 😆😆😆

Ron boosted

Remember when before the Internet it was believed that stupidity is caused by a lack of access to information? Yeah, it wasn’t that.

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