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I have not had a cigarette in 12 days.

that is all.


with you. nothing I can do but be here with and for you. but I'm here, with you.

🎵 yeah your eyes could steal a sailor from the sea 🎵

brand new overly sensitive mouse. my lazy middle finger is being right clicky irritating.

OK, I'll settle down now. All the information I think is necessary to share can be found in the noted thread.

I just get so emotional about such things and am unable to physically help since we are on the coast. I'd be there in a heartbeat if I could.

Communities coming together. That's what it's all about folks. Not bickering & tearing down walls of trust.

Dang it, we need to get back to what's important in this life. Have purpose, show love & caring for one another. Imagine that. 💜

me, watching her lie there in obvious pain. "what can I get for you?"

"nothing. just let me be stubborn"

me, a thousand conversations running through me in a split second...

"ok, do you need another blanket?"

no. she's ok.

these are my days. and my nights

made it through the night. I know not everyone did. be good to yourselves today.

I think. it really looks like at least that Ohio is about slowed down. there's still storms coming through in waves, but nothing that looks like it will be more than lightning.

time for me to go down. I've asked the deity to make sure all the Nauts came out of this safe all across the line of it.

dream good.

if you're in this mix but not really used to this kind of thing. go ahead and make that pot of coffee now. cold coffee is better than no coffee.

critical survival tip

lights flickering, but still got innertubes. still North of me. mostly.

city names where her family are being told to be in shelter already.

if you're affected or concerned I'm sure you're already watching.

be safe and well.

it's all North of me right now by 45 miles. but I'm not sure it's North of *all* Ohio Cosonauts.

be alert and safe please. these mostly all got bumped up to PDS Warning level.

I am too old to go play in the storm
I am too old to go play in the storm
I am too old t...

being growed up sucks

goodness, the Tx Panhandle fire potential warning is huge. from Texhoma to Abilene with a worst case side to side stretch on an Amarillo line NM to into OK.

ya'll be careful and safe please.


as everyone has said, you've got this. and you have everyone and everything on your side. medical teams, people, you. all working against it.

kick it hard. we're here with you.

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