Comer told Fox that today's hearing would reveal historic bombshell proof of a global Biden-run money-laundering empire and the largest gov't cover-up in history.
What we seem to have so far is a couple of R-funded IRS investigators saying "WE thought Hunter should've been nailed harder for routine tax crimes, so there MUST have been a conspiracy!" (Though the Trump-appointee in charge says he was never interfered with. Gym says he, too, must therefore be part of the conspiracy.)
@RationalLeft The GOP literally are aligned with the same propagandists that also pushed "Teach the controversy" with intelligent design being taught alongside evolution.
They should treat our nonsense as just as valid as actual facts!
@SentinelOfTruth Not a coincidence that a top Trump advisor coined "alternative facts" and meant it seriously.
I think Ron is onto something here...