He came to the conclusion that ducks were the least of his problems and things would really resolve themselves if he could just figure out how to hide the bodies.
@Kurtroedeger Sounds like you're having an exciting weekend 😄
Keep it down unless you have suggestions or a shovel.
@Kurtroedeger Will a wood chipper work? Saw one on fb marketplace this am. 😆
@Kurtroedeger @PurpleDragon
Pond... Just point the output at a pond...
That's still water, easy to dredge. You want moving water. 😏
I mean..... theoretically.
@InvaderGzim @PurpleDragon you know, aimed right, this could take care of the duck problem too. 🤔
@InvaderGzim @Kurtroedeger And apparently an experienced body hider 😆
Duly noted for future, um, possible endeavors
@InvaderGzim Will dm with coordinates when I need you 😉😜 Keep it hush hush
@PurpleDragon @Kurtroedeger
Shhhh.. 🤫🤫🤫