Another reason pride is so important to me is because I'm also part of the romantic orientation spectrum. I am polyamorous pansexual and I have pretty strong Demi sexual leanings due to trauma in past relationships. Polyamorous relationships are considered illegal in many states of this country and it's understandable why there was some religious groups that tried to exploit it to gain control over their people and I'm not after that. I believe the heart is unchained you love who you love.#pride
Growing up, the only real relationships that I saw around myself happening were monogamous and as I got to my teens, I started to notice my own preferences didn't quite fit into the monogamous box. I fell in love with girls and boys around my age and sometimes dated them at the same time with them, knowing of the other partner, I was very careful to split my time equally and make sure that they understood that I loved them both. It was one thing about me that hasn't changed from my teens. #pride
I didn't know in the '80s or '90s that there was even a name for what I was experiencing in regards to my romantic orientation and for a long time I closeted myself to avoid causing conflicts in relationships that were very much monogamous. As I got older and I opened up that door a bit further I started seeing polycouples and groups actually being more welcomed and out with themselves. I came out of the closet in 2015 shortly after my last child was born. #pride
Now my Life partner here that's with me. He's monogamous but when I tried to explain how my orientation is, he asked if we can build that relationship on trust because he knows that my past relationships were extremely traumatic to me and caused a lot of emotional issues and trust for me. I do have a long distance relationship with a dear friend of mine over a couple states away and we keep constant contact. Always touching base with one another. #pride
Everyone that I love has special trait to them that draws me to them. Whether it's their interest in heathenry, or paganism, history, education, gaming, art, music, creative writing, Informed writing, I'm very open with my heart and I love intellectual individuals. My Life partner would argue this, He doesn't think he's very smart but I know he is in his own way. #pride
Being pansexual means that I'm attracted to pretty much everybody. I do have specific traits that I look for in people that might be a potential partner, but I don't look at gender or superficial looks as a attractive deal. I love intellectuals and open-minded individuals and I have always been very accepting to anyone around me just to get know me as I am. #pride