#Dailytarot #Generalreading The star in recent past, strength in the present and the four of pentacles reversed in the future. This is just a general reading. If other readers wish to chime in they're more than welcome as always.
The star in the position of the past suggests that you're moving from a time of Hope and peaceful mind. There's always light in the darkest of night. Even if we don't see it with our eyes. You found that out personally. Embrace that experience. Share it with the people that need to hear it. You're not alone with moving through what you went through and you're a guiding light for those that are lost. This is a symbol of Hope and serenity, a force that can bring light to those around you. /1
The four of pentacles in reverse for the future, this is not set in stone. I need not remind. This card speaks of possession in your control and with it sitting in reverse, it speaks of loss. Something is pulling this away from you. Not in your control, but we need to remember that material possessions are something that can always be re-obtained, it's okay to let go.
It's hard emotionally, but sometimes we have to accept the truth in order to be able to move on beyond the loss. /3
Now for my own understanding of what the cards are trying to say, you were living in happier times and you're keeping a good head about what's going on, but you're struggling with the loss and are uncertain if you'll be able to recover from this. There's a lesson in this, not for me to teach but to share. I have been displaced many times, evicted twice and had to move all over the country just to find a home that I and my family can be safe. Sometimes we lose but we also gain. /cnt