@BabyToaster If I may suggest this to help stick to the agenda for the day, do you keep your smart device or mobile with you? Make reminder notifications on it, it will help a lot having the pinging notifications to remind you. (I do this myself for appointments, and keeping schedule times for my hobbys and family time.)
@BabyToaster Sure thing, I have an android pixel 6b and I find the assistant tool from google helps out a TON in this department. I have autistic ADHD so me remembering anything short notice can be really hard sometimes.
@PaganMother My oldest son is like this too. So if nothing else, I need to learn it so I can help him do better with remembering things. <3
@BabyToaster Yeah it is really helpful with creating a solid schedule and sticking to it. Mine can be a bit annoying because my husband ends up learning the schedule I keep and pokes at me if I swipe at the notification. xD
@PaganMother Thank you for the tip! :) I'll do some exploring this weekend on my phone. :)