
Artichokes are doing great this year! First harvest looks good. They’re growing in pots for now. Think I want to get livestock troughs to plant stuff in because the ground here is awful.

They look healthy & there are lots more coming. Hubby doesn’t eat them but he’s impressed himself with the way they’re growing.


Beautiful! Oh how I loved stuffed artichokes haven't had one in years. 🥰

@KazzyH stuffed, bbq’d, in soup, in omelets or just steamed with melted butter artichokes are one of my fav things. Glad I tried growing them.

@NorCalCherylLyn @KazzyH

Oh, you're killing me! I love stuffed artichokes or steamed dipping the leaves in butter! Love the hearts too!

@Spagesgallo1 @KazzyH cream of artichoke soup or artichoke heart and cheese omelets are soooo good. Little tavern and restaurant in a tiny town is a destination if I’m in the area! Artichoke something to eat is a must when you’re in an 130yo place surrounded by artichoke fields.

@peeppeepcircus @Spagesgallo1 @KazzyH love Pescadero! The Butano campground was one of my favorite spots to camp when I lived over there.

@NorCalCherylLyn @KazzyH

Oh my goodness! I would love to go there myself! What a double win win with the food and restaurant overlooking artichoke fields! You are so lucky to have that where you live! 😍

@NorCalCherylLyn @KazzyH

I have no doubt! It sounds like an amazing place to live! So much natural beauty and history! I love places that are family run and owned! I love places that have a familiar, neighborly feel. What a wonderful gift! 😊


Those look absolutely incredible! Love artichokes! What a feast you have going on there! Good job! Enjoy the rewards of your hard work! 😋

@Spagesgallo1 thank you! They’ve done much better than I expected. Sad/not sad that hubby can’t enjoy them with me. 🤭

They really do look amazing! So big! And look so meaty! Sorry hubby can't enjoy them! But at least he can enjoy the fruits of his labor! 😍 Which you get to enjoy eating! 😋😄

@NorCalCherylLyn yum! these are beautiful. 😋

raised beds work for me for a lot of things. gophers seem to be everywhere but there.

@peeppeepcircus I like raised beds and pots! They’re so much easier to work.

Square foot gardening in a raised bed worked good. Straw bales worked too. Even upside down pots for tomatoes was a cool experiment.

Wish I had the money and energy for what I’m envisioning the yard could be. 🤞🏻😊🤞🏻


I thought grow bags would work for me too as an easy fix. But critters, they like to chew the edges right off.

@peeppeepcircus watched this yesterday. Thinking I’ll try it, might help keep stuff from dry out. Could it keep gophers out?

@NorCalCherylLyn kiddo LOVES artichokes. Tom won't touch them. hard to find good ones in the stores here so i don't get them often. the growing season is too short to grow my own here.

@redenigma CA really has some advantages in the growing season.

Wasn’t sure how they’d do here because they’re mostly grown over on the coast but they’re surviving the valley so far. They did seem to appreciate the rain and cool this winter.

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