
Hey there, my grandson’s clothing line”s website is live now. He’s designing tees and stuff.

Gson has been playing this one for a year pre-release. He’s got all the scoops I need when I get it from Santa. 👍🏻👍🏻

Roll For Booty is going to be in a gaming store in Sacramento! Bill is so stoked!! 👍🏻👏🏻💃🏻

Cool things are going on for Roll for Booty! This is just one of the good things happening.

I’m loving my new shirt from . They’re based on spells, drawn as if they’re Heavy Metal bands.

@NorCalCherylLyn Ha ha! I love it. I will share this with my gaming group.

@NorCalCherylLyn thank you for this link! One of my sons loves D&D more than anything else in life ✌️

@bettertobend oh cool! 👍🏻👍🏻 I’m wearing one of his tee shirts now.

His video character builds for Baldur’s Gate 3 are really catching on. He’s on YouTube, Twitch, TicToc. Really everywhere just search RollForBooty.

And the clothing line is going well! He’s going into his first brick and mortar gaming store soon.

@NorCalCherylLyn I'll also add the tags and since I've seen fans of D&D (including myself) talking via those as well. 🙂

Good luck to your grandson.

@NorCalCherylLyn If I ever get down to Sac I'll have to go support!!

@NorCalCherylLyn Posted on my FB , I think some of my daughters friends will really like it :)

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