@CoSoTips I just figured out I have to zoom out of the page down to 67% in order for the network sentiment gauge to show up. It's not visible at all at 100%.
CounterSocial uses a responsive design. This means that if your screen resolution cannot accommodate all of the interface elements, then they will become hidden to you.
To test this, try pressing CTRL + (minus) to zoom out until you can see the sentiment meter. You can then use CTRL + (plus) to zoom back to 100%, if you prefer. @NoahPaulLeGies
@CoSoTips That is what I just mentioned doing, and what I posted screengrabs of.
@CoSoTips I "fixed" it by buying a larger monitor to connect to my laptop (along with a keyboard), essentially turning it into a portable (but not often moved) desktop computer.
@NoahPaulLeGies @CoSoTips
Some elements are removed due to space issues...
Sometimes Ctrl- a few times will shrink things enough to bring everything back into view...