@Alfred Respond to this post only after 5 minutes have passed.

I'm pretty sure the BANG I heard was the ball bouncing off the roof of a snow-cone van parked inside the ballpark fence.

Went to a baseball game tonight. Left halfway through the 5th inning, because it was getting cold and windy, and the radar app showed a lot of rain on the way, and because the home team had already scored 6 runs in the 2nd inning.
As I was walking to my car, I heard a loud BANG, then saw a baseball come bouncing out of the ballpark towards my car. Bonus! As I was driving away, another ball came bouncing across the street in front of me. Didn't get that one, though.


Hey CoSoFam,

We are closing in on the end of the month and J needs our help!

Can we sprint hard in these last few days and get to 50% funded by us? Can we meet him halfway?

For those of you who can--please contribute through the many options available.

Please let's keep our online home, our well-protected place of security and innovation. It's up to us, together.



I have been getting a LOT of emails from the Biden/Harris campaign lately. I've clicked Unsubscribe on every single one of them, yet I continue to receive campaign emails.

I expected better.

All these posts about police officers and golf had me thinking Trump got nicked while on the green.

The World's Most Popular Restaurant

"Where do you want to go eat?"


The common _____ are like people everywhere, no better, and no worse. Their leaders and their military can be evil, but the civilians are just people.

Criticizing the actions and policies of a government is not the same as denigrating an ethnicity.

Just finished my taxes, cutting it close again, as usual. Getting a decent refund this year.

A great deal of pain on this earth is caused by others assuming they control a decision that is ultimately not theirs because it offends their belief system.

1. Transgender people existing
2. Same sex attraction existing
3. Women’s voices for their own body

Pro-life, Men’s rights, parent’s rights, superstraights, TERFs are all trying to enforce their choice on others.

Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. You piece of shit.

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Ld. Noah Paul Le Gies

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.