Good morning groovy souls!
In a world that often seems like it's trying to rip itself apart, we can be the ones trying to put it back together
This kind of heroism is found in every act of kindness, and forgiveness, great and small.
It is the willingness to seek dark over light.
We have the power within ourselves to begin the world over again. -Thomas Paine
Keep on shining. Keep on trying. It all matters!
@EdgeOErin Good morning, Major Awesome, Sir! *salute*
@EdgeOErin No News from the UEAS Radical yet sir, patrolling the chasm of the Unrighteous for the servants of Lord Bogus, but we shall bare them out! It will be most triumphant!
@NiveusLepus Lord Bogus is such an oxymoron! ;)
@EdgeOErin Lord Bogus. Earl of Toadies ^_^
@NiveusLepus 😂 💕