#housing #cosomutualaid So I don't want to use a funding site as the fees are 2.9% plus other additional fees - I will if it's the best route but I'm also not sure even what is needed right now but we don't have much time before an eviction process is started >.> finding a place to live while working and taking care of other family and things is 0.0
$600 in coffers for shelter/food
Goal is around $3k total.
Huge thank you to those that have helped thus far!
I have no dates for moving or anything yet and I'm gonna be on it tomorrow to find out anything I can about us being approved for this new place - really trying to avoid storage and a hotel as temporary.
UPDATE 4/1/2023
Ya'll are amazing - in just yesterday afternoon from 600 to 1230/3k goal
I am forever grateful to you folks and wish you only the best things in life. <3 #housing #cosomutualaid
@Ironworker229 We are hoping the same!! Thanks ๐