Ocular migraines are really freaking weird. That’s all.
@NorCalCherylLyn yeah and I’m at work staring at a computer. It was the most gradual onset, my whole left eye felt like I was under water looking through a kaleidoscope up at high noon sun (through the water) and bam 💥 it stopped so abruptly I actually laughed out loud.
@MotherDucker it’s like a mini miracle when migraines stop! 👏🏻
@MotherDucker yes. I felt like I was under water. For me, one ibuprofen and closing my eyes for a couple hours clears it. Took a while to figure out what worked for me But always better than a full migraine.
@MotherDucker ugh yes. I feel like the vision disturbance causes me nausea more than the headache that comes after. I mostly get the ocular migraine when I haven't eaten enough protein.
@CarmenSlamdiego huh. That is certainly some food for thought. I ate 3 meatless meals today and now I’m wondering.
@MotherDucker I've tried a few times to go vegetarian and I always get migraines every time. Finally decided it wasn't for me, so I save the planet in other ways.
@MotherDucker totally weird!! People never understood when I told them “I have a migraine . It doesn’t hurt but I can’t see”.
I hope it goes away fast and you get to feeling better. The weekend is a double bad time for migraines!!