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My boxer boys ❤ if they are not on me, they are on eachother.

I truly hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Thinking our our troops and loved ones that won't be at the tables today.

I'm not typically a dog dresser but they love their hoodies. It's a necessity in upstate NY.

Good morning! I did a lot of photography this last weekend. Figured I'd get in one last full weekend til I go into hibernation til spring. Spotted 3 Eagle's. Love bald Eagles!

Happy Veterans day to all Veterans! You have all my respect, appreciation, admiration and love.

Karmadawgs boosted

With 99% of votes counted in Colorado District 3, Adam Frisch has a 62 vote lead over Lauren Boebert. Never let it be said your vote doesn't matter.

My dogs thinking 4am is breakfast time isn't cool. Hate daylight savings time.

Karmadawgs boosted

Good leaders possess self-awareness, garner credibility, focus on relationship-building, have a bias for action, exhibit humility, empower others, stay authentic, present themselves as constant and consistent, become role models and are fully present. VOTE for politicians who will lead. Vote blue 💙

It's Friday! A good day to make sure you are registered to vote! I recently got married and updated my name on my voters registration. My card came back with the WRONG party. Hmmmm... please check your affiliation and make sure you are ready.

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