Biden campaign counts 30 articles attacking President for senility as against just 1 article discussing Biden's successful economic program; If Sulzberger really wants a lengthy sit-down interview with Biden so much, he should publish 30 articles on the stunning success of Bidenomics, 30 essays on Trump's growing mental impairment, and 30 comparisons of Trump's raving speeches with the rhetoric of Mussolini and Hitler to redress many months of cynical deception;
Ouster of Russian Defense Minister Shoigu and his replacement with economic mobilization expert is sign of defeat, not victory, but BBC and US press peddle disgusting defeatism at every opportunity;
Biden marks end of neoliberal globalization era with 100% protective tariff on Chinese electric cars; Precursors include Abraham Lincoln, who declared "I am in favor of the internal improvement system and a high protective tariff"; Lincoln argued that protectionism does not cause permanent inflation, but lowers prices after a short time: "... if a duty amounting to full protection be levied upon an article which can be produced here
With dock-pier causeway now operating on the coast of Gaza, US leads world in providing humanitarian aid for Palestinians; Sinister united front of haters to starve Gaza emerges among Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and fascist Israeli settlers to block any and all food shipments;