Biden campaign counts 30 articles attacking President for senility as against just 1 article discussing Biden's successful economic program; If Sulzberger really wants a lengthy sit-down interview with Biden so much, he should publish 30 articles on the stunning success of Bidenomics, 30 essays on Trump's growing mental impairment, and 30 comparisons of Trump's raving speeches with the rhetoric of Mussolini and Hitler to redress many months of cynical deception;
Ukraine has destroyed 15% of Russian oil production, hampering exports; Blinken and British wisely tell Zelensky to use NATO missiles as he thinks best, including deep inside Russia; Campaign resembles US effort to deprive Nazi Reich of its primary oil source in Ploesti in Romania, whose destruction accelerated end of war in Europe; F-16s, Patriot missiles and Patriot missile batteries remain in urgent demand;
with as little labor as elsewhere, such as iron, that article will ultimately, and at no distant day, in consequence of such duty, be sold to our people cheaper than before, at least by the amount of the cost of carrying it from abroad.”