Republicans in the Senate just BLOCKED the House-passed bill that would have given toxin-exposed veterans expanded access to VA healthcare and disability benefits.
The Republican Party hates our veterans.
@MeidasTouch I agree. To start with the VA only pays for exposure to Agent Orange and they won't even acknowledge that there were 6 other Dioxin formulas used and some combination of those were used on every damn Military Installation we have that had any kind of base expansion.
Common uses were weed control on fence lines, power line right of ways and many other applications.
And that is just the Dioxin issue. There are chemical exposure issues that veterans don't even know about yet.
@MeidasTouch Typical "survival of the fittest" mentality.
Funny, they never have difficulty using the Military for their 'dirty work'...
These SOB Repubs continue their Repugnant Tour Across America
They hate America. They want to live somewhere else.
@MeidasTouch the GOP is a bunch of nazi fuckers. the entire party needs to burn down