We should just leave the flags at half staff.

I’d post this on Twitter but the translucent overlord might have issues.

I hate the new Smurf movie.
This gargamel sucks.
But the episode where Lawyer Smurf disbars him is pretty good.

A captive American is a captive American is a captive American.

A freed American is a freed American is a freed American.

If that’s not your standard, you should really work on yourself.

I can’t thread CoSo (or don’t know how) but in a world where we all have five million socials we are trying, this is my post thread on creating a community to help .

What are you doing to help? Donations? Calls? Postcards? Let’s get the word out.

Post thread: post.news/article/2I5cdkd6IuLp

Donation and volunteer: warnockforgeorgia.com/

If using an active shooter to approach the active shooter generation doesn't catch on, there's always plan B.

GOP: "We're losing Voters!"
Consultant: "It's a generation that grew up with school shootings, active shooter drills and bullet proof backpacks. You need someone who says 'we understand your fears."
GOP: "Got it!"

What if we called them “Sharts” instead of toots?

“Might hit a few bumps.”
✈️ 🥃🥃🥃🥃

Goodbye serene mountain town.
Less time on Twitter, more time here and this.
Good week.

Had two instances of “wow, life is moving fast” this weekend, and neither are particularly joyous moments. Meloncholy, I guess… at best.

I tried to do the right thing in both of those instances. For myself and for others.

I hope, when it’s my turn, others will do the same for me.

I guess that’s all we can ask, yeah?

Be kind to yourselves, everybody.

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Steve Marmel

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.