Living in Utah...
So, I think when REDs say HI to me, I'll respond with
But but but …Democrats are responsible for the disrespectful and violent rhetoric.
I saw it on tv.
Felon says that makes anything true so…
@Madken65 you would think Mormons would have more sympathy for folks who are being lied about and driven from their communities. But hey, they have power now, so…
A to the Men, my brother...And Meadow Mountain Massacre site is just up the road.
TOLERANCE...a dying skill/orientation
@Madken65 Last year, when driving hwy 90, we saw a lot of the orange shit pile signs. This year, only three in the 289 miles.
Pretty much the same here, although some ass up the street has a Trump flag flying on the same flagpole as the US flag.
There are C-words everywhere.
We live on a corner in our neighborhood.
We have a sunroom in the back which means we basically have an almost 360 view.
Every damn house has a Felon sign in their yard.
Front, back, side views.
One fool further up lined his driveway -both sides- with Felon signs & has a Felon flag by the front door.
I’ve decided to thank them for the visible heads up that complete chosen ignorants reside there.