Nickname trivia
Below is a list of famous nicknames. Can you identify the people they refer to?
The Queen of Soul
The Answer
The Sun King
The Half-Blood Prince
The Iron Lady
Big Sexy
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@Madken65 I know Aretha Franklin and Margaret Thatcher. Otherwise, it’s too early and I can’t get two brain cells to even bump into each other let some form a coherent thought.
@Madken65 lol. It’s all good, just extra tired today and somehow, can’t imagine how, reviewing student loans this early is not helping me wake up. It’s usually absolutely invigorating.
@Madken65 I know only two:
Aretha Franklin was the "Queen of Soul," and the "Iron Lady" was British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
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Aretha Franklin
Allen Iverson
Louis XIV
Severus Snape
Margaret Thatcher
Bartolo Colón