Morning Humane Humans,
Ken-Dogger: Hey Horst
Horst: Dude, what’s up, where’s your pep?
KD: Horst, there’s a lot going on right now…much trouble
H: I get that, but we still go on.
KD: I know, it’s just…it’s hard to be light right now, to be jovial.
H: We each make our own way, but I appreciate your humanity.
KD: Appreciate the appreciation, just wish others did.
H: The appreciation or the humanity?
KD: Both, little Buddy, both…
I'm doing fine...enjoying life, working a little, getting ready for Spring projects in the yard...
Just livin' the Retired Life
@Madken65 It's been a bit weird. I had woken really early the last 3 days in a row so I took tablets and made myself sleep late. That has meant I am not with it, have been reading, and need to get my act together and so some stuff. Maybe after lunch ... lol How are you apart from busy?