Ken-Dogger: What? Why are you staring?
Stanley: Bro, you’re doing it again.
KD: What?
S: You’re setting yourself up for disappointment. You know how you get when you play that Hearts game.
KD: I know, it’s just I reach a point where I think I can win all the time.
S: Impossible standards
KD: Huh?
S: You keep doing it, you set these impossible standards and then you get ticked when you don’t reach ‘em.
KD: Possible standards?
S: Now, you’re starting to get it.
The Mikster starts to look at me with a look that says
If I hear golf one more time
A Good Husband knows how many times he can go to the well
@Madken65 Nice to know she has you so well trained 😉
@Madken65 I was starting to wonder if Hell had frozen over but the resupply run explains why you would forego golf today. 😉