Max Boot in WaPo...Trump succeeded with help of Fox News...
The seditionists assembled at the president’s invitation. The Wall Street Journal reports that one social media post from the Proud Boys told their members “POTUS wants you in D.C. on 1/06/21.” Impeaching and convicting Trump is the least we can do, given his role in inciting this violent insurrection.
But while holding Trump to account is necessary, it is also insufficient. There is a whole infrastructure of incitement that will remain intact even after Trump leaves office. Just as we do with foreign terrorist groups, so with domestic terrorists: We need to shut down the influencers who radicalize people and set them on the path toward violence and sedition.
The United States hasn’t had that since the Federal Communications Commission stopped enforcing the “fairness” doctrine in the 1980s. As president, Biden needs to reinvigorate the FCC. Or else the terrorism we saw on Jan. 6 may be only the beginning, rather than the end, of the plot against America.