Hive Mind, please help. I just snuck a peek at the classroom where I will be teaching and in the back, it has a partition, not a wall separating it from the classroom next door. The partition looks to be about as old as I am. How do I soundproof it, please? TIA!
Soundproofing is a very big job. You want to keep inside sound in? Or do you want to keep outside sound out? Real soundproofing requires building layers of acoustic-absorbing material.
I need a DIY solution commensurate with being a public school teacher just starting out in this building and in a school district that requires us to move everything out of rooms for the summer. The goal is to keep outside noise out - namely the classes next door.
Its a public school so no budget (my wife is a teacher too). Take a look at this.
@publickovacs how big is this room?
Not big. @junation came with to take a look and he is guessing 25 by 30. Seating capacity is 28.