@TwiHusband Like @corlin replied to me, what was needed was that Putin's "red lines" be shown as Potemkin villages. Ukraine did that. I don't blame the US and the West being cautious over striking a country with a nuclear arsenal. But now that it's obvious that Putin's nuclear bluster is just that, full steam ahead.
@LiberalLibrarian The phrase, "Quaker guns" springs to mind. @corlin
I believe, without any proof, that the fact the Russia has NOT yet “escalated” in any meaningful way the incursion into its own territory.
Has given the DoD and the White House reassurance that it always has been bluffing.
@LiberalLibrarian We need to give our blessing for people fighting for their survival to use everything at their disposal to fight for said survival?
Wow. Ego, thy name is American.