@LiberalLibrarian Fucking bigotry.
@SaltyVeruca @LiberalLibrarian
Glad they got a dose of the real trump maga mafia movement.
@Bliss @SaltyVeruca What pisses me off is that they dragged their two daughters into this shit.
@LiberalLibrarian @SaltyVeruca
true, its a high price for being a trump lover
@Bliss @LiberalLibrarian @SaltyVeruca
reminds me of that🇨🇦family who moved to russia ‼️for similar reasons. they found out and want to return, but...
@holon42 Much easier to flee Idaho than Russia. Oh well. @Bliss @SaltyVeruca
@Bliss @LiberalLibrarian @SaltyVeruca
And they would likely STILL be offended if someone said..."What the heck did you think it would be like?"
The utterly delusional thinking of this whole MAGA crowd is astonishing
Were I to have ignored verifiable reality like this, while on duty as a firefighter, My crew & I plus any others in our vicinity would've been at risk of dying
I don't understand how more of them don't die from refusing to acknowledge the science & physics they live within
@LiberalLibrarian @Bliss @SaltyVeruca I’m on vacation in Dominican Republic (boy leaves for
Med school next month, this is our celebration) and I I get British and German new friends ask about Trump and admit we’re all scared. I will be chasing another new friend from Pittsburgh (black man married to a Cambodian woman) who likes they Trump speaks straight. We at least held an adult convo knowing we were both drinking, I just hope we can talk more and I can better understand him. Wish me luck:)
@LiberalLibrarian @Bliss @SaltyVeruca I did talks to my new friend Ron about Trump, and we’re still friends:) He was surprised about some of the details I offered (IE: Bragg chasing him on chickenshit law, but historically being consistent) but in the end he said he probably wouldn’t vote as the electoral college made his vote worthless. I pulled the “I may not agree with what you say but will defend with my life to protect it”.My main point: truth MUST always prevail, but finding it can be hard
@LiberalLibrarian How many of these situations have to happen before Republican outgroups get they will never be an ingroup, no matter how they vote or how they act.
To conservatives it truly is skin deep, and you don't have the pigment they accept, ever.
I mean, I definitely pass as white. But I know that at the end of the day I'm just a spic to these fine citizens.