I keep a cane in my car because sometimes I need a cane. My hips and knees dislocate pretty easily. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and most the usual comorbidities. No amount of wishful thinking or youthful optimism will change the fact that my genes are a hot mess. This is the only body I've got.
@JPSCHWEIZER63 After nearly a year of physical therapy with someone who understands Ehlers-Danlos I'm actually walking better now than I have in nearly a decade. I handled 20km in Seoul last week and managed the stairs in the subway with no knee dislocations. That's huge!
But, yeah, a walker and a wheelchair are probably in my future at some point.
@LianaBrooks Currently. When you're done with that one, it's a smorgasbord! ; )
@AskTheDevil *flips through catalog of sharks to pick my next body*
@LianaBrooks safety first, and when a cane no longer works no shame in using a walker.