I think this is a good thing to eliminate non-competes. When I was in highschool, I worked at Laser Quest and they made me sign a non-compete so I couldn't work at any other laser tag/arcade place for 3 years after leaving LQ. I signed it but considered it a joke because I knew I was under 18 and they couldn't enforce it on me anyway. But even back in the 90's they were doing these to that stupid of an extent.



I currently have a non-compete in my position as branch manager for the engineering firm I work for. I think the rule makes mine unenforcable now, but I wasn't worried. I was allowed to modify the wording on it when given it and it was narrowed down to specifically, I can't bring over or work with the same clients I currently do work with if I were to go to another firm. I also got 2 week bonus pay for signing.


I feel like stealing your work Rolodex is pretty shitty but otherwise yeah, you should be able to go wherever.

@amarand When we were done negotiating it, it felt like a common sense thing. I couldn't actively recruit work from existing clients for a number of years.
I also added a clause that if my boss sold the company, the agreement becomes void, so if I didn't like new owners I could pick up and start my own firm 😂 He thought that one was funny and had no issue with including it.

@Kurtroedeger @amarand
I feel the issue is more the other way?
My older son's concerns going to work for companies he might have done work for... If they wanted to poach him...
This frees him for better opportunities and means his current employer might need to think about better pay...
Noncompetes make your current employer can treat you as of your indentured in to many ways...

At will for me but not for thee...

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