@kel @KeiraKonjoB00 We gave our puppy a rope toy, and now he has a permanently deformed tooth that didn't grow in right because he managed to damage the baby teeth with the rope toy.
@CoyoteConscious @kel @KeiraKonjoB00
Badass puppy.
@KeiraKonjoB00 we gave our puppies benepone puppy chew toys to help them. benebones were always a favorite for all our dogs
@KeiraKonjoB00 *benebone is correct spelling
Normal ? No
but small breeds do tend to retain their baby teeth
Baby teeth should be gone by 6 months of age
If not there is the risk of adult teeth coming in mis-aligned and or hair / food becoming impacted causing gum recession
The owners can speak with their vet regarding extraction ( if not lost ) at 6 months when they spay or neuter them
@KeiraKonjoB00 As I recall, yes. Giving them some stuff to chew on (Rope, rawhide, sock toys, etc.) should help sort it out.