Buy yourself a standard HS grammar textbook and Strunk and White's. Bust your ass studying them--live in them. And then read good writers as much as you can. And when you aren't busting your ass studying and reading, write. That is the only way.
I've had a copy of S&W's since high school. I was in my 30s before I learned the "White" was E.B. White, and that before the 50s it was just Strunk's name on the cover.
@Jeber I lost my hard copy years ago, but still refer to it in my head.
@John_Scotus William Zinser's On Writing Well and Stephen King's On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft are my recommendations.
The product you get by using some of these tools is called "typing." It is just clacking on a keyboard. No one should dare call "writing."