I saw this posted on LinkedIn. As someone who makes a pretty good living off of writing, all I can say is, "No. Just don't. Not if you really want to be a good writer." I wouldn't give a nickle for most of these products, and some are actually quite destructive.
I've had a copy of S&W's since high school. I was in my 30s before I learned the "White" was E.B. White, and that before the 50s it was just Strunk's name on the cover.
@Jeber I lost my hard copy years ago, but still refer to it in my head.
@John_Scotus William Zinser's On Writing Well and Stephen King's On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft are my recommendations.
@John_Scotus I have one client who wants everything run through Grammarly, so I do. I spend more time trashing Grammarly's suggestions than I do accepting them.
@danialexis Sounds like hell. I hope they are paying you well.
@John_Scotus They're paying me for the Grammarly time, or I wouldn't bother.
Buy yourself a standard HS grammar textbook and Strunk and White's. Bust your ass studying them--live in them. And then read good writers as much as you can. And when you aren't busting your ass studying and reading, write. That is the only way.