This is random, I know, but inquiring minds gotta know, any other CoSoNauts have a sweet potato “problem?” I love them, like love love. I’ll eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, as a snack. Fried, baked, roasted, savory or sweet. You name it, I probably would love it, if it’s sweet potato related 😆
Which leads me to: If your answer is yes, and you have a favorite recipe, please share 🙃
@catie omg, chickpeas and tacos, both other favorites😍😍 thank you! Saved both!
@catie how are we not besties already 🤣🤣🤣
@JeSsA Well come by anytime after this stupid pandemic is over.And I’ll show you a good time. Fair warning tho, if we go out with my cousins I’m actually considered the most most responsible one of the group so there’s no telling what might happen. Make sure you have bail money.😂😂😂
@catie hahahahaa, deal! Come on pandemic. Come on!
@JeSsA It is. 😂 New Years Eve one year. Mostly champagne but I think we threw in some wine for variety. I don’t know, the night was kinda a blur. That’s actually the most sedate picture of me. Most of them show me sitting fully in the tub drinking straight from a bottle of champagne. I also think we went skinny dipping afterwards.😂