Poor people are stuck in a circle of poverty. In this circle poor people want better housing, better jobs, better opportunities but as soon as those are made available everything around them becomes too expensive to afford. This poor people often vote against neighborhood improvement schemes and such because they k ow as soon as that happens their taxes go up, middle class people move in and make every rentable space too expensive.
It’s a vicious cycle created by the free market.
What most misogynists and chauvinists never realized is that they never controlled women, NEVER, what you told women not to do they did anyway, just in secret. Behind your back! Almost like they never had any respect for you at all! That's because respect has to be earned and you never bothered to try to earn it from them.
Think about that.
Believe it or not, there is truth!
Believe it or not, there is untruth!
When you ask me to accept something I know is not true just because you have accepted it as true for yourself, you are asking me to lie, and I don't like that.
I'm not perfect, I lie sometimes, but there are lies one should never tell. There are lies that go beyond just a fib to make someone feel good and outright deceit against society and myself.
That I won't do!
I’m a little gay, a little pagan, a little Puerto Rican, a little multi-lingual, and all human! Verified by my Mom.