& I know there have been a number of them, conservative couples who've appeared in the news over the past months, where they find themselves needing the very service they voted against.
I don't want to see anyone in a position where they have to abort & can't. And I still just... I don't know. Mostly I find myself thinking: "This is what you asked for with your vote. This is what you wanted. And NOW it's unfair? Because it affects YOU?"
& then I look at these articles that are all about nice white middle-class couples, they're always daycare teachers or healthcare workers or pastors or some shit like that, they're always married & straight & trying hard to have a family or maybe they have kids & want more, they have some kind of job & profile that makes them *the right kind of people* for an abortion to be OK somehow...
Reminds me of this: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/
@Impious_Jade And that's exactly what I would tell them. They made their bed, so now they get to lie in it.
They can fuck ALL the way off with their "woe is me" bullshit.
@ProjectShadow I mean the sheer fecking AUDACITY is gobsmacking.
@Impious_Jade It's truly asinine on every possible level.
@Impious_Jade Exactly! This is the world they wanted. They live here, too. So, they can deal with it just as the rest of us have tol
It's fucking disgusting.
They asked for this. They fucking ASKED for exactly what they're getting. We fucking TOLD them what would happen, & of course they didn't listen, because they didn't see themselves as murdering irresponsible sluts. Nope, THEIR abortion is OK because Reasons(tm).