There's probably an opportunity to prune a bit more, remove some problem ivy, & kill another noxious tree or two before the season is done.
@Impious_Jade Sometimes, when things get too invasive, scorched earth is the only way. You just get in there and kill it any way you can. I'm thankful Tree of Heaven isn't a thing here. Ive heard horror stories. 😬
@Halcyon Totally agree. Some things you really do just have to kill with fire.
Yeah Tree of Heaven is awful. I'm so relieved that the tactic I used is working. I reported the ones in my yard to the state noxious weed board too.
I know there's another Tree of Heaven plus a TON of invasive blackberries along the property line at the side of the house; those need to go. I know the blackberries like to grow up under the house siding, & the ToH sends out roots EV.'RY.WHERE. I don't need that shit in my foundation.