OK so one of my guilty pleasures is watching ghost-hunting shows & I have to admit "Ghost Adventures" is my favorite.
I don't believe in the supernatural for a cold minute, don't believe in ghosts, am ridiculously skeptical about the paranormal, & I know such shows are completely ridiculous & basic. & I don't care, I still watch 'em.
I call just about every one of such shows "Ghost Bros", because it's always a handful of white bros running around doing totally ridiculous bro shit & doing all this macho posturing & trying to take the piss out of the alleged "ghosts" they find... which they really don't ever find at all, they just use a bunch of equipment that doesn't really measure what they think they're measuring, & say it's a haunting.
@AskTheDevil Hah no I actually agree. That would turn it into a whoooole 'nuther ballgame.