I read in the news today that former POTUS Jimmy Carter has chosen to undergo hospice care. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/18/politics/jimmy-carter/index.html
@Impious_Jade Carter lost to Reagan because Reagan said things to people that helped them deny reality. Carter was a truthsayer, and many people didn't want to hear that message. What might have been if Reagan had lost in '80....
I'm guessing we're about the same age, because that lines up perfectly with my memory.
@Impious_Jade He preached my seminary graduation service. He has been an extraordinary man.
@PrChrisHarbin I bet it was wonderful. With the wisdom of age he strikes me as such a truly, deeply *good* person.
@Impious_Jade I don't recall anything he specifically said that day, but I do recall observing that his "off-the-cuff" comments comprised the best sermon I had heard during my 3 years in seminary.
Nixon was POTUS when I was born. I was too young to remember either Nixon or Ford, but I do remember Carter as President. He held the office right when I was old enough to start understanding what the POTUS was.