Whatever happened to the fight over Critical Race Theory?
How Republicans’ brief national crusade against CRT changed the political landscape.
@grapho the tweet comes from a person less interested in having a real adult and meaningful conversation about the world in which they live, and is instead focused on trying to prove that their opinions and assumptions are correct.
This is why it is so hard to have converstations with far right, and far left douchebags.
@grapho true. That is why is is important to engage in conversation when and where you can, at an adult level, with those of a higher levele of intelligence and openess...
...and to save your breath when you come across people like that which are not worth the time and effort.
*high fives*
YES on all counts.
and i would add: his ultimate and conscious goal is the amassing of POWER and CONTROL over the american populace.
and that's one of the biggest red flags of all.