@Tail ... ... w... why!? Omg that is so very very fucked up! Who did this, and needs to be sent back to T1 training school!
@Idrake lmao, I DID IT. Or at least, that was how the OEM drive was partitioned when I got it.
@Tail this explains it. :) all good. Windows disk management cant "shift" around partitions but many 3rd party tools can. But erase everything and build one new simple volume that spans the whole disk is really all you need here.
Good job! :) isn't IT fun?
@Idrake I actually really love the work, even when, and perhaps especially, when it's a pain in the ass.
@Tail I love it so much I made a career out of it. There are few more satisfying things than deploying something complex and getting it setup and running smooth, or working through a major problem and finding a creative solution. You 'almost' need to be a masochist, but IT always brings something new!
@Idrake Will say though that after upgrading, 5 LEDs on my keyboard "died" somehow, and that for whatever reason is one of the most annoying things I've ever experienced. It's driving me nuts.
@Tail wow! Is it a Razer product?
@Idrake Oh I know, it's crazy what kinds of stuff you can hide in firmware. If I had anything worth stealing I'd be more cautious, but eh. If they wanted anything from me they'd likely already have it.