“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning. Information devours its own content, It devours communication and the social.”

~ Jean Baudrillard

(In Simulacra and Simulation)

You wanna fight back? Start registering voters.

Early In the Morning (2006 - Remaster) · Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated


So how long will it be before one of the CSI shows uses Buffalo's Grocery Store shooting from one of their plots?

Wow how times have changed the only thing I worried about going into a grocery store in the 1970s was don't go in stoned :420: or come out with a cart of Twinkies


The real hero yesterday in
was the ex-cop security guard who died trying to Take Out the Gunman but he was wearing body armor

Only in America not only you have to worry about high prices at the grocery store you also have to worry about getting murdered


The Buffalo killer’s manifesto reads like a job application for a junior producer on Tucker Carlson.

And no, I’m not being flippant.
- Rick Wilson

@HappyTrails420 who said, Vaccines are bad for you. They sound great. I like Vaccines.

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Happy Trails 420

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