Still half sleepy
On a Saturday Eve
Gotta go cook our dinner
I'd rather be at ease
Will I take a nap
Or will I stay & toot
If I doze off to sleep
The point is really moot
@Kitty62862 Was tooting early am; thought it'd be rude to doze off before finishing story😆One thing folks here will learn or already have figured out is(my fam already knows😁) the more tired I am, the more I'll talk or ramble on; like a kid fighting sleep! I've heard many shut-up's throughout my life & take no offense at it; that goes for on here as well; whomever sees this feel free to tell me to go to bed💯🤔I think a couple already have before😂Woke up to🍓smell; fell asleep on top of🍬😂