@Gramdma2011 I’m workin on bouncin back lol my guts quit working again over the weekend so the last couple of days have been a festival of not digesting food which is disgusting. It’s crazy to talk to my dr about it Bc their answer is keep eating small meals and I’m like do you not understand that nothing is moving? How does piling on help?

I need something carbonated I think.

Sorry if that’s tmi lol it’s reality over here.

@Evvie No, I can handle it; used to work in a nursing home; could talk body functions while standing there eating & looking at poop. Do you have Chrohn's as well?? Didn't know anything about it until my S-I-L & Granddaughter was diagnosed. Your symptoms sound similar to what he & his daughter go through

@Evvie ...and when I ask someone how they feel, I want the 💯 on it, not the 'I'm fine' that folks like to say so as to not bother. ❤️

@Gramdma2011 I’m the same way. Though it did weird me out when I first moved to NOLA & I’m the AM I would ask people@how they were & id get answers like ‘well I haven’t pooped yet today but other than that...’

🤣 like WHAT? 😂

I get it now though lol

@Evvie I've had to glove up & do enema's & carefully dig out an impacted person's poop; we would know the urgency by smelling breaths. CNA's had to go 'smell & see' for the nurses; we caught it by looking for signs & careful charting BM's. Once in a while hospitalization was needed to.

@Gramdma2011 see I don’t ever want that to be me. I am OBSESSIVE w/making sure I’m hydrated since I don’t have triggers for hunger/thirst anymore. I have 6 different apps tht remind me to drink, I keep a pitcher of water right on my coffee table in living room, I have water bottles in every room of this house...

If I’m THAT dehydrated something is seriously wrong. Once the food leaves my stomach I’m usually ok/recovering it’s getting the stomach to move & open to the intestines that’s a prob.

@Gramdma2011 not chrohns. I have non- diabetic gastroparesis. Basically the opioids made me so sick I was put on PPIs for YEARS & it killed my proton pumps/ability to produce Hydrochloric acid. So sometimes my stomach just stops working entirely & food sits there & rots. If I can’t get my guts working I will probably end up with a hospital stay that involves a tube down my throat pumping black sludge out of my stomach. Worst part is TASTING the rotting food at the back of my throat. Fun times. 🙄

@Evvie Sorry it's got you feeling so bad! Hoping you find some kind of relief very soon! I'm 🙏 You won't need a hospital stay!

@Gramdma2011 Hoping these probiotics & some carbonated water will help. If I’m not better by tomorrow I’m going to have to make myself puke I think. This is not the week for these shenanigans

@Evvie Umm; do you feel is what's necessary; don't hurt yourself dear, but I'd recommend going to Dr., even though they don't take it seriously

🤔 Go to Dr's office & puke all in the waiting room or even better, at the computer check- in?? They may listen then!

@Gramdma2011 I’ll be making an appt next week & getting anew go doc referral. Really feel tht an Ayurvedic dr would be my best bet with this but there are none anywhere close so hoping I get someone who is at least open minded (Drs don’t like me. They call me an ‘educated patient’ 🤦🏻‍♀️)

@Evvie If you were where I am, my Dr's listen. They ask questions & go by what the patient tells them. They base care on any concerns we have + their care plans. The patient is involved in care; if something's not right, they do all they can to remedy, be it meds, PT, or just fears about any care. Before back surgery I had options explained. I was fearful & unsure. My PA sat me down & told me "I'm gonna talk to you like you're my Mama", and did. We had a good plan when I left; was appreciated

@Gramdma2011 I would love to have medical care like that. I’ve dealt with a parade of ego driven Drs who are more about $ & what the drug companies/work comp tells them than what is best for the patient.

Just w-in last few months I’ve had to freak out on my med team bc in trying to relate these gastroparesis issues w/my gp she tried to put that I’m ANOREXIC into my med records. Nothing could be further from the truth & Drs are people too. They are judgmental as hell so info MUST be correct.

@Evvie @Gramdma2011 Oh my God Evvie, My daughter is being diagnosed with that right now. You think it's from the PPI. They prescribed a PPI because she's in so much pain and believe me she's not going to get off at easily. Holy cow!

Oh and let's add to the mess that she has Marfan and what they think that she's really dealing with is her stomach sphincters aren't working.

@Jsabinas @Gramdma2011 so here is the thing with PPIs. Long term use is bad. It can - & in my case did - kill the proton pumps ability to make hCl which is a trigger for the sphincters to open. Mine don’t open anymore without help. So I early early (think3-4 for dinner whenever possible to give more time to digest before bed) I lay on my RT side when I lay down to help the food move/sphincters open, drink carbonated water so air bubbles will make ‘room’ for the food to move. 1/3

@Jsabinas @Gramdma2011 I was kept on the PPIs for over 5 years - hell I have an active script for them now I just don’t take them anymore bc of the damage they’ve done.

Drs tell me I’m a ‘complicated case’ but really a lot of what I deal with is aftermath from over zealous treatments or treatments that went in far too long. Literally every single thing I do every day is an attempt to manage CRPS or heal the damage done from treatment. Everything. It gets exhausting sometimes.


@Jsabinas @Gramdma2011 I’m so sorry your daughter is going they this - it’s miserable. The PPIs are to manage acid overproduction so maybe she should add foods that will absorb acid & not@be too hard too digest. Like maybe start with barley & rice? I eat a lot of whole grains for this reason. (Processed foods are easier to digest but bc I’m WFPB& am not interested in a ton of processed garbage)

@Evvie @Gramdma2011 We have a short-term solution, in which we use the cure for gallstones: lemon or apple juice with an ounce of olive oil. Apparently that is helping to reduce the pain. But another 15 minutes later, adding absorbing food might be a great strategy so I will suggest it to her, and that she be selective with what absorbent food that might be. She's also neural atypical so foods have to be quite specific for her. That said her dad is actually really pretty good.

@Jsabinas @Gramdma2011 typically the first thing doctors look at at least in my experience is do you have gallstones it’s always attributed to gallstones and for me even when there’s no evidence they try to say it’s gallstones.

Look into Ayurvedic treatments & methods of food prep as well. This is a good place to start:

There are natural ways to deal with this. It’s just a matter of finding what works best for her.

Happy to help however I can...

@Jsabinas @Gramdma2011 farro is a great grain as well bc it gives you a good chewy mouth feel looks like fat rice & absorbs SO MUCH acid!

@Gramdma2011 @Jsabinas I wanted to mention dandelion chai tea by traditional medicinals. It’s full of probiotics & I drink it like it’s my job (it’s delish as well) it is helpful when the GP is flaring like it has been for me all week. Today is the first day my ribs don’t hurt from not digesting food & I feel my intestines working - odd but good - it’s vital for your daughter to support her gut biome. Won’t stop the issues entirely but it really helps & makes the flares more tolerable.

@Jsabinas @Gramdma2011 beware of the new trendy surgery for this which is to put a stint btw the stomach & intestines. I’m against this except in extreme cases bc it’s far better for the meatsuit to heal damage than to add stuff from the outside.

i’m not down with the whole ‘screw it up until you have to add new things to make it work’ approach...

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