@lilyunsub I can only tell you what -sometimes- works for me.
I have no one to reach out to. I avoid adding to my wife's plate and my bestie, well let's just say she is not helpful in these situations. If I can muster the energy and will, I change everything about the moment. I go outside, regardless of weather, breathe slowly and make everything stop. I focus on one natural thing. It can be a flower, a tree, a bug. I try to think about what they're doing and why. Sorry for length. 1/2
@lilyunsub Then I imagine how that connects to the next thing and so on. I look at all the connections, all the way to me. Then I try to keep it going and see how I connect to everything and everyone else. Did I hold the door for someone and help their day? Did I help someone? Did I smile at someone? What could those things have done for others?
We're all connected and sometimes just getting myself to remember that changes my mood and outlook.
I hope it gets better for you. 💜