I've been reading #quotes by #ThomasPaine this morning. I don't recall why. Paine's writings are mixed on the topic of #religion, sometimes they have the appearance of christian language and at other times they are expressly atheist and even virulently anti-religious. This one struck me as having not aged particularly well.
There is wisdom in his writings too. Some of the things he said are shockingly relevant in America's current highly polarized political environment. Donald #Trump must never be President again and he must be held accountable for his crimes. #politics #quotes #ThomasPaine
@danielbsmith Distressingly, THIS vengeful god is the god many of our political leaders and neighbors are using to beat us over the head with. They deny the loving Jesus and invoke the jealous, punishing god.
@GeezerWench Only when it suits their purposes. They always promote forgiveness and love when they're caught with their own hands in the cookie jar. But for everyone else, it's the angry wrathful god trope to keep the populace in line. #Hypocrites