Today's random question: How old is your personal computer?
@GaryPoole I have a 5 year old MacBook Pro.
My go-to device is my 3 year old IPad Pro. However my 9 year old MacBook is still in the wings, gets called on for some things now and then…
@Luber905 @GaryPoole I have a seven year ipad on its last legs. I love it and will replace it when needed.
Been using IPad Pro as my main computer since the original iPad Pro launch. I love it too!
@GaryPoole Mine is actually an old ATM core, about 12 years old. We changed a bunch of them out and I grabbed one and added some memory and graphics to it, wiped it and installed linux
only a Laptop 3 years System 76 and Ubuntu no more windows for me!
@GaryPoole 4 years old.