#QuestionOfTheDay: What food would be the best to make a house out of?
@GaryPoole How bout this? I'll say make it out of Hemp. If Henry Ford could make a car out of it I'm confident I can get a camp made.
@GaryPoole wobbly molded jelly (not jam you U.S. crazies). It would withstand earthquakes (flexible), is delicious if you get hungry, and would be very entertaining. #QuestionOfTheDay
@GaryPoole Good for a punchline but you would have to consider training all the squirrels now your roommates to use a litter box.
@GaryPoole You can't go chocolate, Gretal lost a limb to diabetes and Hansel died at 40.
@GaryPoole stale bread loaves.
I was thinking nuts still in the shell. You could mix them with mortar and make some very solid bricks.
And then you could tell everyone you live in a nuthouse. 😜