@teengee @Merlin
This was not good. Electricity is sneaky. Have recently upgraded 2 panels on 2 houses - by my Union Master Electrician friend. Including 2 new ground rods each, and grounding to both sides of the water meter on copper pipes. Also whole a house GCFI and Arc-Fault breakers where required.
I feel much better.
@FireMonkey @teengee yikes. none of this as scary...
Have some flickering lights. Ruling out causes:
1) Local transformer surges - checked w/ neighbors, no flickering there - R/O'd
2) Reference ground was still on the old water main - no easy way of knowing if that was cut (very likely) or still runs for at least 20 ft underground. --> run new reference ground. (been in basement so not sure if flicker is gone, but don't notice it) 🤞
3) next would be, did prev owner overload a new run?