
Depressed AF because it's the winter but I gotta power through so I don't cause a feedback loop with my spouse. Emergency vibes management.


I'm sorry you're going through this. Hubby gets seasonal depression and it's hard to watch. He says sitting outside in the sun helps him, even if it's only a few minutes a day. Just an idea. 😊

Sending a hug and positive energy your way. ☀️💞

@JoyfullyDazed I was doing ok until the 2 weeks of darkness and rain (the one day of snow was nice). Trying to get some sun today and tomorrow while the weather is less bad.


Yeah, I LOVE rainy days so I'm happy when they're in the forecast, but feel badly enjoying the bleakness bc I know it's hard on my husband.

One day at a time, right? I'm glad to hear you have some sunshine to absorb. Hope it helps. 💞

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